West Cliff

West Cliff Promenade, 1895

The Bandstand, WestCliff, 1895
The Bandstand area, Westcliff, 2006
The original postcard above was likely taken from the top floor window of the Churchill Tavern and school of English, across the street. Unfortunately for the modern photo it was not possible to gain access to that location, therefore it was taken from a different elevation. The terrace of regal houses since became the 'Regency Hotel' and later the Regency school of english. Sadly, these listed buildings over time went into decline, most being used for temporary housing. However, they are now being redeveloped again as luxury housing. The Bandstand has since completely gone, and the structure in the foreground of the modern picture is the now derelict Motor Museum

St. Lawrence Bandstand, Westcliff c.1905
Same view, 2007
Westcliff Boating Lake
Many decades ago, the bandstand disappeared, to make way for a boating lake. The site remains almost unchanged, just full of water! The building remains intact, and became a monkey sanctuary during the 1980's. The main building is still a cafeteria, with a children's play plark and art gallery also on the site

Westcliff Lawns, early 1900's
Same view, 2007
The earlier picture was taken before the Edwardian lift was built, and also the bandstand has been replaced with a Victorian shelter, which in modern times has since been converted into a cafe/snack bar
Nelson Crescent, West Cliff, 1895

Nelson Crescent, West Cliff, 2006
Very little has changed here in over a century! Except for the Victorian lamp-posts being replaced with what I assume are Edwardian style ones, and of course the addition of cars
Western Undercliff,1895
Western Undercliff, 2006
Most of the western undercliff has been extensively redeveloped during the last decade, to make way for a road access link, connecting the port with the motorway. The entrance to the road tunnel, which now dominates much of the western undercliff is to the left of this photo.
Labels: west cliff
hello Mr. Vincent.
It was very refreshing to see all those images from Ramsgate.
I keep it in my heart, because i used to study english (sorry if doesnt looks like) on Regency and was a amazing time of my life.
You´re doing a beautiful work with this blog.
Post some others recently photos, if you´ll.
thank you very much...
best regards...to you and all the friendly people from Ramsgate.
I spent 2 weeks every year from 1963 to 1973 on holiday in Ramsgate and it hold such lovely memories for me. I was wondering if anyone knows the history of what we called the "Mansion" buildings at the Pegwell end of the Westcliff? We used to stay there each Summer until I was about 7. We also stayed at a really small caravan site about 200 yards down the road into Pegwell Village before that bad bend by the Belle Vue. Any pics or info would be very welcome !
Hiya, Great pictures, do You have any images of Public Houses in the westcliff area or for that matter in Ramsgate in general?? Keep up the good work :-)
Hello Mr Vincent
my name is Martin, I have found it interesting to read your feedback
I live in Marlborough Road, Ramsgate in one of the tall Italian link detached houses. The house was know as Elms Terrace. I am interested in finding out more about our home, and was wondering if you have any information or photographs about the house and/or its history
I am looking forward to hearing from you and appreciate any time and effort towards this.
Stay well and best wishes
Hello Mr Vincent
my name is Martin, I live in Marlborough Road in one of the tall link detached Italian Houses. Our home was previously known as Elms Terrace.
I have followed your feedback with interest, and am wondering if you are able to share some history or photographs about the house and/or its history?
I trust this email finds you well -
best wishes
Anonymous and the Mansions...all I can teii you is the Westcliff Terrace Mansions in Pegwell Road were not the size that they are now, or when you stayed there. The building was commissioned by Queen Victoria so I am lead to believe, as accommodation for het Ladies in Waiting etc, on her many visits to Ramsgate. The building has been added to over the years.
As a child I went there several times with my family from 1948-1952. I loved Ramsgate then. I have not been back since barring one drive through in 1984. I remember a railway that went through a tunnel from the seafront and emerged in a park (Broadstairs end). I could not find it on the map. Am I right in suggesting it is no longer there?
Hi Photo's bring back memories as i used to always go to Ramsgate as a child,and my GrandMother knew a Mrs Varian that lived at the plains of Waterloo,does anyone remember the name,and we always stayed in a hotel just across from the harbour,and Swiss people owned it ,also remember Jacobs ladder steps ,so love looking at photo's
Martin if you find out anything about the house in Marlborough road I would be very interested to know. I also live in Marlborough road and I am trying to find out information about the property in which i live. I know from old records that all of the houses in the road had names instead of numbers but I don't know which name it was previously known by.
Best wishes
Martin, I would be very interested to know if you do find out any information on Marlborough road as I also live there and would like to know more about the property I live in. I know all of the houses in the road were once known by names instead of numbers and i have a list of house names from records but I don't know which name matches up with my house number. If you get anywhere with it please try and let me know.
Best wishes-Lizz :-)
the area that now has north avenue and the elms nursery was called either the "inner elms or the outer elms" I have been told by a current resident, hope this helps somebody :)
the area that is now north avenue was once refered to as the inner elms or outer elms depending on where your house stood, or how wealthy you were.
Whatever happened to that wonderful seawater pool on the east end and the "Chine" walk from the west cliff down to the water where you could collect mussels at low tide.
I used to stay at The Lawn Hotel In Ramsgate om the 1970s, does anyone remember this hotel,
What beautiful work, please keep it up. X
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