Ramsgate Sands and Eastcliff

Eastcliff Promenade, 2006
The Granville cinema building is the most prominent new addition
The new Eastcliff Promenade extension, c.1905
The San Clu hotel, c.1895
In those days it was called the "Hotel Saint Cloud"
Half the building is now missing, since the original postcard was drawn. Apparently it was destroyed in a great fire of 1928, one of the largest fires in Ramsgate's history
Same view, 2006
The domed structure on the left is the top of a lift shaft leading to the beach (now closed)
Main sands and pavilion, c.1900's
Note the bathing machines in the sea!
Minus the bathing machines, and people! The pavilion is now the Grosvenor casino
The Pavilion is now a popular casino
Wellington Crescent, 2006
The main new addition in this picture is the bandstand, which in 2006 has just completed a major renovation
Eastcliff promenade and Granville hotel, c.1895
Another view of the Promenade, c.1895
Same view, 2006
Nice to see that the Victorian Shelters are still very much intact! The bandstand is missing in the modern picture however.
The imposing Granville Hotel, c.1895
Note the bust of Augustus Pugin on the plinth in the foreground, and the two lion statuettes to the right
The picture on the left shows the original lion statues as they are now... They were moved from their original location in the picture above, to reside in their new location on the other side of the Granville Cinema building, facing in the opposite direction. As you can see, one of the lion statues (in the foreground) has been vandalised, having been crudely smashed off it's plinth (and stolen?) which is a real shame.
Similar lion statuettes also sit atop the entrance to St. Augustines abbey, another Pugin building on the Westcliff of Ramsgate.
<---> View of the Ramsgate Sands station, c.1905
Same view, 2006
Site of the original station (and subsequent amusement arcade) is now just a waste ground, awaiting development into luxury apartments.
Eastcliff Promenade, c.1895
Another view of the promenade, this time from the other direction
Eastcliff Promenade, 2006
Ramsgate Sands entrance to the scenic railway, 1936
Same view, 2006
No trace of this station remains. You can just make out the end of the original concrete platform to the left of the parking sign (in lighter coloured concrete). The railway tunnel is still accessible, but only via a locked iron gate and steel door. The local council have put a lot of effort in recent years to keeping this old tunnel system locked and secure. The other end comes out in undergrowth near Dumpton Park Station, with a spur tunnel leading off to the old Hereson Road station (see earlier pictures)
Niec pictures !
Shame about that lion, I drove past a few weeks ago and saw it lying smashed on the floor. Hope it has been taken somewhere safe.....
lovely images and what a great project!
lovely images and great project
Another magnificent crop, Mr R! And so many pictures of my cliff top mansion!
What an awesome site. One of my absolute favourites :)
As to where that picture is from, I feel uncomfortable even guessing at it being eastcliff side... hmm, just not sure.
Keep up the good work
Well done - thank you for all of your work I really enjoy your site.
Many thanks folks for all your kind comments!
I've really enjoyed to see your pictueres! I have been only 1 week in Ramsgate and I am delighted at this town as well. Of course my photos aren't so interested :)
Well doneVin,Your picture of the tunnel scenic railway brought back distant andgood memories of being taken on the train with my granny and seeing the tableaux. It was quite scary and exciting for a young child.A brilliant sight. Can't wait to log on to underground Ramsgate!
Thinking of moving to Ramsgate. What a terrific site. Thanks for all your work. Luxury apts. on the site of the old train station? Will Ramsgate become a la Eastbourne?
I've just found a November 2004 "As Time Goes By" article from the Isle of Thanet Gazette. It says that the San Clu suffered 'one of the biggest fires in Ramsgate's history in October 1928, which would seem to be the reason half the hotel is now missing. Do you want a scan of it?
Thanks DavidR90. Yes, would be great if you could email me a scan of that article! (my email is in my profile). I have also updated the caption now for the san clu picture. Thanks again!
Born in Ramsgate in 1942.Family moved to Australia in 47.But some how feel 'home sick' on viewing your 'photos'.
Please can someone help i use to go on holiday to Ramsgate in the 1960s and we stayed in a holiday camp called stone chimney,does anyone remember this place?.I have recently moved to the area and just cannot remember where in Ramsgate it was located. I remember we use to also watch the hovercraft which i think was quite near the holiday camp.
certainly makes you realise the ugliness of progress.
Still love Ramsgate but your pictures really show the area has become run down.Spent many happy holidays there in the 60s and70s.
Hi All - Just wanted to say thankyou for all your positive comments and questions. Sorry I haven't been able to reply to individual questions as yet, but will try to do so as soon as I get some time!
Stay tuned, as there are more updates to the site pending! ;-)
I thoroughly enjoyed looking at the photographs of Ramsgate past and present. Thank you to those responsible for creating such an interesting record. As a Ramsgatonian in exile, it made me feel very homesick.I,like many others have happy memories of traveling on the underground railway from Dumpton to the sea front as a child.I am sure that if the railway could have been maintained and retained it would have been a tourist attraction to this day.It seems that the people who make the decisions as to what should be retained and what should be demolished have not always decided wisely.But Ramsgate is so beautiful that even neglect can'nt destroy the magnificance of the town, I do hope that there are more pictures to come, Ann Greetham
the stone chimney holliday challets are in southeastern road still there!!
My and my mate went in the cliff tunnel through the dumpton park entrance. I remember having to climb carefully down a grass verge. I remember thinking how creepy the tunnel is - no light and silent. Needless to say we never reached the end of it before doubling back.
Weirdly, i found an old enamel sign for the Hotel St Cloud by the side of the old railway line in Bath. I have no idea where a sign for a hotel in Kent would be in Somerset. It's very old, the phone number is 80. just 80
I used to go to the Stone Chimney holidays chalets too, but I cant find them on any website. Anyone have any ideas where I might be able to find pictures?
My ancestors come from St. Lawrence, Ramsgate. STEADS. I enjoyed your photographs very much.
DEBBIE....Go to www.192.com and enter the address as Stone Chimneys Post code CT11 9TR (I think it's 194, Southeastern Road) and you'll get a close up picture.
Enjoy looking at old and new photos of ramsgate as my Mumand Dad used to take me to Ramsgate regular in the 1950's and so it brings back memories
Remember as a child ,going with my parents to the Pavillian every night as they had entertainment,children couls get up and sing and later in the evening adults could,also you could get drinks and chips ,great memories
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